The Girl with the Dragon Heart
Written by Stephanie Burgis, published by Bloomsbury 2018.
Once upon a time, in a beautiful city famous for chocolate and protected by dragons, there was a girl so fearless that she dared to try to tell the greatest story of all: the truth.
Silke has always been good at spinning the truth and storytelling. So good that since arriving as a penniless orphan, she has found her way up to working for the most splendid chocolate makers in the city (oh, and becoming best friends with a dragon). Now her gift for weaving words has caught the eye of the royal family, who want to use her as a spy when the mysterious and dangerous fairy royal family announces it will visit the city. But Silke has her own dark, secret reasons for not trusting fairies .
Can Silke find out the truth about the fairies while keeping her own secrets hidden?
From the author of the magical The Dragon with a Chocolate Heart
Copyright 2018 © Freya Hartas